CF family,
I hope/pray you're having a good week.....working AND resting. As you go about the rest of the week, please consider these wonderful thoughts from Mark 2, John 5 and John 9. See yourselves as "hungry" and "in need" (Mk 2:25).....see yourself as "an invalid for thirty-eight years" (John 5:5)......see yourselves as "blind from birth" (John 9:1). BUT then see Jesus as "Lord of the Sabbath" (Mk 2:28) WORKING (John 5:17), "working the works of Him who sent him" (John 9:4).......accomplishing what we couldn't do. See Him providing for the "hungry" and "needy". See Him raising the "lame". See Him giving sight to the "blind", opening the eyes our hearts so that He could become our rest!!
Matthew 11:28-30 says "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Through Christ's Sabbath gleaning and healings He says:
I’ll work so you can feast
I’ll work so you can walk
I’ll work so you can see
I’ll work where you aren't able
I’ll accomplish what you couldn’t
I’ll be…..your rest
If you're laboring and heavy laden with Christian of Pilgrim's Progress you're a "poor burdened sinner".......join Christian in his place of deliverance. "So he ran until he came to a place somewhat elevated. Upon that place stood a Cross, and below at the bottom there was a Tomb.......just as Christian came up to the Cross, his burden came loose from his shoulders and fell off his back. It began to tumble and continued to do so until it came to the mouth of the Tomb. It then fell into the Tomb, and I saw it no more."
And.....I saw it no more. :)